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 INTRODUCTION The course focuses on the principles of environmental epidemiology, its practical applications for investigation of public health problems, planning, implementation and evaluation of intervention strategies to deal with environmental challenges.. UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION TO EPIDEMIOLOGY : UNIT 2: CONCEPTS USED IN EPIDEMIOLOGY : UNIT 3: MEASURES OF FREQUENCY OF HEALTH EVENTS: 3.1 Ratio, proportion and rates; 3.2 Fertility rates 3.2.1 Birth rate; 3.2.2 General fertility rate 3.2.3 Age specific rate 3.3 Measures of morbidity 3.3.1 Incidence rate 3.3.2 Prevalence rate 3.3.3 Attack rate 3.4 Measures of mortality 3.4.1 Crude mortality rate 3.4.2 Infant mortality rate 3.4.3 Case fatality rate 3.4.4 Proportionate mortality 3.5 Demography UNIT 4: EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT AND ESTIMATIONS 4.1 Concept of exposure assessment 4.2 Exposure pathways and media 4.3 Dose (administered dose, absorbed dose or up take dose, and active or biological  effective dose); 4.4 Multiple exposur...


  The   10 Essential Public Health Services  provide a framework for public health to protect and promote the health of all people in all communities. To achieve equity, the Essential Public Health Services actively promote policies, systems, and overall community conditions that enable optimal health for all and seek to remove systemic and structural barriers that have resulted in health inequities. Such barriers include poverty, racism, gender discrimination, ableism, and other forms of oppression. Everyone should have a fair and just opportunity to achieve optimal health and well-being. Assess and monitor population health status, factors that influence health, and community needs and assets Investigate, diagnose, and address health problems and hazards affecting the population Communicate effectively to inform and educate people about health, factors that influence it, and how to improve it Strengthen, support, and mobilize communities and partnerships to improve...

Men’s health checklist: 5 things men can do for good health

  1. Have regular check-ups Even if you feel healthy, regular health checks (such as blood pressure, blood sugar levels, prostate checks) are essential to catch any problems early and stay in good health. Your  mental health  is just as important, and seeking help for mental health issues, including depression and anxiety, can be critical. 2. Reduce alcohol use The harmful use of  alcohol  killed nearly 3 million people in 2016; 75% of whom were men. Drinking too much, or too often, increases your immediate risk of injury, road crashes and violence, as well as causing longer-term effects like liver damage, cancer and heart disease. Harmful use of alcohol can also affect your mental health and has a negative impact on your family and the people around you. 3. Quit smoking Tobacco  use causes cancer, lung disease, heart disease and stroke, killing more than 7 million people every year. It also causes impotence.  Quitting  smoking is one of the best ...


  Overview The purpose of this post is to provide public health advice to host governments, public health authorities, national or international organizers, and professional staff involved in the planning and delivery of gatherings, including people organizing smaller gatherings or attending gatherings of any type and size.  During gatherings, the likely high density and mobility of attendees (crowding) represents a conducive environment for close, prolonged and frequent interactions between people. Furthermore, it may also be associated with the widespread adoption of risky behaviours and unsafe practices, including unsafe sexual practice, therefore playing a role in the spread of the monkeypox virus. WHO recommends that the decision-making process related to gatherings of any size and type should rely on a risk-based approach, tailored to the characteristics of the event under consideration and be repeated at regular intervals. In the context of the current outbreak, monkeyp...




  RATIONALE: The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that about 94% of diarrhoeal cases are preventable through modifications to the environment, including interventions to increase the availability of clean water, and to improve sanitation and hygiene. In addition, a 2005 systematic review concluded that diarrhoeal episodes are reduced by 25% through improving water supply, 32% by improving sanitation, and 45% through improved personal hygiene. In Zambia, the problem of contaminated drinking water in rural and peri-urban areas is exacerbated by unplanned settlements, insufficient number of improved water sources, overcrowding, poor sanitation and indiscriminate dumping of solid waste. This justifies the carrying out of on-site water monitoring.  Water is essential for life, health and human dignity. In extreme situations, there may not be sufficient water available to meet basic needs, and in these cases supplying a survival level of safe drinking water is of critical ...


Course: Food safety. This article we are going to discuss the four main types of food contamination. But before that lets first understand what food contamination is and what its involves for food to be contaminated. Food contamination happens when something gets into food that shouldn’t be there. Or anything that has come in contact with food that can cause harm to human health. It can cause harm to consumer health and safety and can drastically affect a business’s reputation if somebody is harmed there. There are four main types of contamination; chemical, microbial, physical, and allergenic or cross contamination. All food is at risk of contamination from these four types. Food contamination is very dangerous. Because eating such food can cause sickness and death. Therefore it’s critical that you understand what these four types of contamination are and how to prevent them from effecting safety food. BIOLOGICAL CONTAMINATION Biological (microbial) contamination; this is when the bac...