INTRODUCTION The course focuses on the principles of environmental epidemiology, its practical applications for investigation of public health problems, planning, implementation and evaluation of intervention strategies to deal with environmental challenges.. UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION TO EPIDEMIOLOGY : UNIT 2: CONCEPTS USED IN EPIDEMIOLOGY : UNIT 3: MEASURES OF FREQUENCY OF HEALTH EVENTS: 3.1 Ratio, proportion and rates; 3.2 Fertility rates 3.2.1 Birth rate; 3.2.2 General fertility rate 3.2.3 Age specific rate 3.3 Measures of morbidity 3.3.1 Incidence rate 3.3.2 Prevalence rate 3.3.3 Attack rate 3.4 Measures of mortality 3.4.1 Crude mortality rate 3.4.2 Infant mortality rate 3.4.3 Case fatality rate 3.4.4 Proportionate mortality 3.5 Demography UNIT 4: EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT AND ESTIMATIONS 4.1 Concept of exposure assessment 4.2 Exposure pathways and media 4.3 Dose (administered dose, absorbed dose or up take dose, and active or biological effective dose); 4.4 Multiple exposur...